Starting Our Journey On The Homestead

Welcome Everyone to Homestead Heart and thanks for joining us on The Homestead. My name is Marie and I am Super Excited!!!!

WOW!!! I am finally bold enough to start blogging about our journey here on The Homestead. We want to share our ups and downs, our successes and our failures in hopes that we will be an inspiration to others who desire this simple lifestyle.

Its such an amazing adventure to wake up and wonder “What inspiration will I be Given Today To Create And Plan And Make Our Homestead Better Than The Day Before”. I never know really what the day will bring. Yes, Yes, Yes, I have a plan on what I would Like to do that day, But it hardly EVER works out that way.  😀

Its actually quite funny to say to myself ” Self, Let’s get out there today and clean the barn, and prepare the garden beds for planting” That’s when I notice a raccoon has gotten into the garbage and dragged it from one end of the homestead to the other, The dogs are nowhere to be seen, and with blood all over his head, its apparent that the rooster has been involved in an altercation of some sort.  So the adventure of the New Plan for the day has begun!

With that being said, Y’all come along and perhaps while building chicken coops, cow pens, Garden Beds, Chicken Tractors, cleaning up poop, and collecting chicken eggs, We can have some fun doing it All!!!

Thanks for joining us here at Homestead Heart!

The Journey Begins

Welcome Everyone to Homestead Heart and thanks for joining us on The Homestead. My name is Marie and I am Super Excited!!!!

WOW!!! I am finally bold enough to start blogging about our journey here on The Homestead. We want to share our ups and downs, our successes and our failures in hopes that we will be an inspiration to others who desire this simple lifestyle.

Its such an amazing adventure to wake up and wonder “What inspiration will I be Given Today To Create And Plan And Make Our Homestead Better Than The Day Before”. I never know really what the day will bring. Yes, Yes, Yes, I have a plan on what I would Like to do that day, But it hardly EVER works out that way.  😀

Its actually quite funny to say to myself ” Self, Let’s get out there today and clean the barn, and prepare the garden beds for planting” That’s when I notice a raccoon has gotten into the garbage and dragged it from one end of the homestead to the other, The dogs are nowhere to be seen, and with blood all over his head, its apparent that the rooster has been involved in an altercation of some sort.  So the adventure of the New Plan for the day has begun!

With that being said, Y’all come along and perhaps while building chicken coops, cow pens, Garden Beds, Chicken Tractors, cleaning up poop, and collecting chicken eggs, We can have some fun doing it All!!!

Thanks for joining us here at Homestead Heart!